Tacoma Diaries is a unique window into the lives of 2 downwardly mobile males who reside in The City of Destiny. Steve, a 43 year-old divorced father of 12 year old daughter Lisa, is now attempting to make a new life following an ugly divorce. Mike, a 42 year old many times divorced father of many kid’s remains in constant search of intimate female companionship. The actual names divulged in these stories have been changed to protect the guilty and it should be noted no one was actually harmed in the production of these film shorts.
Each episode offers an up close and personal glimpse into the world view of "the most wired city in America”, Tacoma, Washington. Nestled neatly within the bowels of the Puget Sound is a town that Bing Crosby, Ivan the Gorilla and yes, even Earl Anthony have at one time called home. This series will display the best and worst of humanity. What more could one want from a stupid little video short?